Since the cryptocurrency market entered a correction in mid-March, the sluggish market has also caused many projects and tracks to fall into a trough. Some people have even begun to question whether the bull market still exists and whether each track still has opportunities. For example, whether the Web3 chain game sector can rise again has become a concern for many people.

In fact, the main reason why chain games have developed slowly is that the blockchain infrastructure is not sufficiently optimized for chain games. Many mainstream public chains and Layer2 are actually unable to meet the performance requirements of chain games. These chains will focus more on DeFi, decentralized derivatives, NFT, DePIN and other sectors that do not require high performance. This has restricted the development of Web3 games to a certain extent. In the end, some large-scale chain games can only spend a lot of energy to build their own separate chains. This is also an important reason for the slow development of Web3 games.

Now the emergence of XAI will solve the bottleneck problem of Web3 game development, bring good optimization to chain game developers, meet players' needs for gaming experience, and thus push Web3 games into the Internet market.

What is XAI

Simply put, XAI is a high-performance Layer 3 chain specifically created for blockchain games. It was launched by Offchain Labs (Arbitrum development team) and operated by the XAI Foundation. It is a Layer 3 chain based on Arbitrum Nitro. The main feature of XAI is that it is specially customized for games. XAI's goal is to support billions of gamers to use games based on this chain, improve the experience of traditional gamers, and realize fair transactions of in-game assets to bring better experience to players.

What are the advantages of XAI?

Compared with most of the public chains and Layer2 we know so far, the main features of XAI are as follows:

1. Improve blockchain performance

XAI can accommodate more players to play games on the chain at the same time, realize the process of on-chain expansion, avoid problems such as transaction congestion caused by insufficient on-chain resources, and make the experience of Web3 games further improved. At the same time, it supports the deployment of more chain game projects on the chain.

2. Abstract Wallet and Account (AA) Experience

XAI enables traditional gamers to easily get started with Web3 games by providing an abstract wallet. Players can log in using email and other methods without having to learn the use and storage of wallet mnemonics and private keys, which simplifies the operation process. In addition, the signing process that affects the gaming experience is also reduced.

3. Extremely low cost of use

As a Layer 3 gaming chain, XAI chain mainly uses $XAI tokens as on-chain Gas tokens. Whether for developers or gamers, the cost of using XAI chain is very low, which greatly reduces the threshold for use.

4. Strong partners and ecosystem

For Web3 blockchain gaming platforms, in addition to infrastructure technology strength, they also need strong and mature ecological projects and partners on the chain. The XAI Foundation cooperated with Ex Populus to bring two highly anticipated games, Final Form and LAMOvese, to the XAI chain. Ex Populus is a well-known game development team, whose team members mainly come from well-known companies such as Pixar, Ubisoft, Activision and Blizzard. In addition, there are well-known cooperative teams such as Offchain Labs, and well-known investment institutions such as Animoca Brands that are deeply involved in the blockchain gaming track, which will also bring more resources to XAI.

5. Low development threshold

XAI can seamlessly integrate with ThirdWeb to provide developers with a complete set of development tools and SDKs, including custom wallet components, smart contract deployment and interaction, which simplifies the development process of Web3 applications, enhances the scalability and efficiency of applications, and reduces the difficulty of development.

Xai Sentry Node

Unlike many public chains, XAI uses Sentry Node to achieve on-chain security and ensure the normal operation and block generation of the blockchain. Sentry Node is a monitoring node that is mainly used to monitor the XAI Rollup protocol and determine the correctness of transactions on the chain. If an erroneous block appears on the chain, Sentry Node will issue an alarm to facilitate manual intervention by developers, thereby ensuring the security of the chain and avoiding the risk of being attacked.

In addition, Sentry Node is operated for community members. Participants only need to purchase the corresponding key to run Sentry Node, and will receive esXAI token rewards to motivate the operation of Sentry Node. The configuration requirements for running Sentry Node are also very low, which can greatly reduce the participation threshold of Sentry Node and realize the decentralization of XAI chain.

Currently, users can also participate in the purchase of XAI Sentry Node nodes. Open and place an order. Then download the node software from the official website and run it as required to get rewards. Other game projects such as Crypto Unicorns will also conduct some airdrop activities for XAI node holders.

XAI's pricing is divided into 40 tiers, with a total quantity of 50,000. The key is that the earlier you buy, the lower the price. Currently, node sales have reached the 18th tier, and there are still certain advantages in price for participating now.

XAI Pioneer Genesis Incentive Task

In addition to node sales, XAI also held an incentive event for community participants, Vanguard: Genesis, to explore the XAI ecosystem through several weeks of tasks. The event is still ongoing and participants have the opportunity to receive huge rewards.

Participants complete tasks through Glaxe, earn points, and receive rewards based on the points. The tasks will last until November. Currently, there are not many participants, mainly concentrated in the first three weeks, with relatively more participants. The number of participants has been declining in the next four weeks, and the timeline of this event is relatively long. We can guess that the official intends to guide long-termists to participate. Players who did not participate in the early stage still have a great chance and it is worth participating and ambush.

In addition, the first season of XAI brought rich airdrops to many participants. According to community users, some people received airdrop incentives of 7 million XAI tokens. According to the project team, this airdrop event is more grand than the last one, and the airdrop will not disappoint everyone. At the same time, XAI's incentive task is an open airdrop. Compared with the high anti-lost rate of ZKsync and Layerzero, XAI is also very friendly to retail investors, and can also make up for the current sluggish airdrop market.


From the perspective of blockchain, the glory of Web3 games may have passed, and there may be fewer opportunities now. Many people may be pessimistic about chain games, but if we look at it from the perspective of game development, Web3 games are just beginning. On-chain incentives and fairness brought by decentralization are the key to the sustainable development of games in the future, and are also the main driving force for players to continue to enter.

Therefore, compared to the current low-activity market, there are still a large number of Web2 game players who have not been able to truly enter the Web3 world. This requires not only the efforts of game DApp developers, but also a more complete infrastructure. XAI brings more opportunities for Web3 games by bringing a more powerful EVM chain, lowering the threshold for developers, and attracting ecological users to participate through incentive activities.
