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#CRV #LayerZero #BTC走势分析 #ETH

🔹Reviews of Cognitive Society

Bitcoin fluctuated sideways around 65,400 on June 18.

Bitcoin rebounded by 2 points, and the Ethereum sequence among the altcoins began to rebound. The direct reason was that the SEC canceled the prosecution of Ethereum. The core reason was that the SEC canceled the prosecution of Ethereum as a security.

The most direct beneficiary is UNI, because the plunge of UNI17 was due to the SEC suing UNI.

If Ethereum can hold 3510, there is still hope to reach 3600, but if it breaks 3510, it may fall back to around 3400 again.

But at present, this is an oversold rebound, not a reversal.

Because the Bitcoin spot ETF has had a net outflow for four days, the money in the market has not only not increased, but has also flowed out. It would be amazing if it can continue to rise. The reasons for the market's rise can be different, fictional, or storytelling, but the root cause is money. Without the support of money, it can't go far.

Currently, Ethereum is extremely strong. If Ethereum spot ETF is traded in July, it is very likely that Bitcoin spot ETF will see outflows and Ethereum spot ETF will see inflows. Bitcoin will fall as Ethereum is strong.

Lack of hot spots in the market

The market lacks stories

It would be perfect if there could be an Ethereum series that brings a hot spot and a story to drive the market recovery.

There is still some time before the Ethereum spot ETF is open for trading, so every time there is a sharp drop in Ethereum, it is the first thing to consider.

🔹The K-line spirit of cognitive society

Many new fans feel that the articles of Cognition Society do not have direct bullish or bearish opinions, which affects the chances of making money by playing contracts. The principle of Cognition Society is to play more spot in a bull market. We do not over-judge the rise and fall of short-term prices. This is not Tai Chi, but Cognition Society has its own principles.

Cognitive Society does not know when Bitcoin will plummet, but we remind ourselves that every time Bitcoin plummets, it is an opportunity. We enter the market when Bitcoin plummets and deploy our favorite Ethereum UNI and hot altcoins.

Therefore, if you hold 8 layers of positions, you should control your positions to around 7 layers when Bitcoin accelerates its rise. In the bull market, don't fantasize about shorting your positions every time Bitcoin plummets.


The U.S. Bitcoin spot ETF saw a net outflow of $152.4 million, marking four consecutive trading days of net outflows.

BlackRock IBIT has no inflow/outflow of funds, with 0 inflow for two consecutive days

📍Interpretation of Cognition Society: The US Bitcoin spot ETF has a net outflow, and the weakness of Bitcoin is visible to the naked eye.

He Yi: I hope that the circulation of projects listed on Binance will not be less than 10%

Regarding the question of why TON is not listed on Binance, Binance co-founder He Yi responded that considering that many projects on the market have a circulation volume of 1-3% when they go online, Binance hopes that the project's circulation will be no less than 10%. If it joins Megadrop or Launchpool, the total number of airdrops will be in the single digits to double digits, and these coins are given to users by the project party.

📍Interpretation of Cognitive Society: I am also helpless. The circulation rate is 10%. Can it be increased to 50%?

6 whales hoarded 55.26 million CRV during the CRV price drop

According to Spot On Chain monitoring, during the decline after the CRV liquidation crisis, 6 whales have hoarded 55.26 million CRV (about 19.4 million US dollars). 5 of the 6 whales are first-time purchases, reflecting the surge in first-time purchases of CRV in the past week. The price of CRV has risen by about 14% in the past 24 hours.

📍Interpretation of Cognitive Society: CRV should be the bottom, unless the founder makes trouble

🔹Summary: If the Bitcoin spot ETF continues to outflow, it will be difficult to stabilize. Every plunge in Bitcoin is an opportunity for Ethereum to enter the market

There is no destructive negative news. Bitcoin 56600 is likely to be the bottom area of ​​the third historical bottoming out.

May 2024 is the mid-term of the bull market for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Every plunge is an opportunity. Long-term K-line research focuses on Ethereum UNI OP NEAR BLUR and Link Bread;

🔹Short-term data

Disclaimer: The K-line data analysis provided by Cognitive Society is based on data analysis, does not represent any position, and does not confiscate any project party a penny.


Support: 64000      63000

Pressure level: 66000 67500


Rebound 3600 3660 is a strong pressure point, it cannot stand without good news

Ethereum has the protection of Ethereum spot ETF. Even if Bitcoin plummets, Ethereum's 3000 is still a super strong support level.

If the Ethereum spot ETF is traded in August, there are still 2 months left

Focus for the next six months

A sharp drop in Ethereum is an opportunity to enter the market

Deploying Ethereum is the core strategy.

Pressure level: 3570 3620

Support: 3480      3400


I also set 15 is the first threshold

New value, new RWA leader, the plunge can be configured, cognitive society 22 23 years 5 layout LINK

🏷 him

Ethereum surges as it cancels SEC lawsuit

Pressure level: 10.4 11

Support: 9.3    8.6


Sorry, I thought they had a bottom line, but I was careless.

0.3 important pressure point

Cognition Society believes that BLUR is below 0.38 and some long-term investments should be allocated in batches


There is no pressure point here, only the strength of the main force's willingness to pull the market

Cognition Society was the only one who reminded us to upgrade Cancun when the OP bottom was around 1.3.

Pressure level: 2 2.1

Support level: 1.8 1.7


Super strong, 28 31 is a strong pressure point


The bottom is reached once a month, and the reasons are the same every time

Cognition Society believes that the layout below "ARB" 1 is carried out in batches


0.36 is a strong pressure point. If it falls back to around 0.3, it will be an opportunity.

There is no need for other cottages to update short lines

🔹Understanding attitude towards making money

Cognitive Society does not like hindsight

I don’t like those KOLs who claim that they can make a lot of money.

If someone in the cryptocurrency circle could profit from the rise and fall of every coin

Leverage is not about making 10 billion a year

But the second largest exchange on earth saw the market makers manipulate the market, and it only lost billions and went bankrupt.

Form your own trading system and make money within your own cognitive scope. Don't fantasize about making money from every daily rise and fall, let alone the rise and fall of every coin. This person does not exist on the earth, nor does this kind of organization. If such an organization existed, FTX, the exchange that looks after the main backstage, would not have gone bankrupt.

Desire and ability are not equal

The heart can never be at peace

How can you hold on to the coins if you are not calm inside?

Many people always like to rely on other people's promises and guarantees to hold on to their coins when the market crashes.

Banks are going bankrupt. Even some big countries’ fiat currencies are going bankrupt. Evergrande and Zhongzhi Group are bankrupt with tens of trillions of dollars.

Do you think people who promise returns can be trusted in such a high-risk place like the crypto industry?

The charlatan is just talking nonsense. As for the real crash and bear market, have you ever seen those people who promote the bull market every day?