The point of view is correct. If you continue to be bearish, and then bearish, the trend in the next three months will be a slow decline.

The day when we reach 50,000 may be far away, but compared with the years, these three months are just a blink of an eye.

Now the main force is to kill the spot market. Many people buy the bottom and come to the bottom again. The spot party is probably more afraid than the contract party.

Although there is no leverage in spot, it is not negotiable. If you encounter a junk coin, such as fil, icp, luna, etc., and encounter such a black swan junk coin, spot is more dangerous than the contract.

Contracts, as long as they are well controlled, can be a sharp tool for increasing the value of one's wealth, and can roll a big snowball.

Here, I would like to ask everyone whether you think spot or contract is better for currency speculation!

If everyone is an air force, and they are all 70,000 air force, I think that during this period of time, we should just leave our positions alone and rest and let the profits run.

If you have multiple armies, be prepared to hedge. It depends on your luck whether you can survive longer and whether you can run away at the last moment and resurrect.

If I could do it over again, I would still short the pie at 70,000 and jump in without hesitation.