A brief understanding of the sectors and corresponding currencies:

1. Meme sector Pepe, Bonk, Floki: These currencies are mainly driven by the community and market sentiment.


Meme coins are extremely volatile and may bring high returns in the short term, but they are also accompanied by high risks.

2. ETH ecosystem UNI (Uniswap): As one of the largest decentralized trading platforms, it has high liquidity and user base, and high trading activity.


LDO (Lido): Focusing on Ethereum staking, with the development of ETH 2.0, LDO has a large room for growth.

SSV: Focusing on decentralized validator infrastructure, the technical prospects are promising and it has the potential to become an important part of the infrastructure.


3. SOL Ecosystem RAY (Raydium): Liquidity provider platform on Solana, with a stable user base and active transactions.

JUP (Jupiter): Liquidity aggregator on Solana, with large market demand and good market prospects.

JTO: Need to pay more attention to its specific applications and market trends to further understand its potential.

4. AI sector RNDR (Render Token): Provides decentralized GPU computing power, has practical application scenarios and market demand, and has strong technical strength.

WLD: Need to further study its specific applications to understand its market potential and actual usage scenarios.

FET (Fetch ai): Focuses on intelligent agents and machine learning, with good technical prospects and long-term optimism.

AGIX (SingularityNET): Committed to creating a decentralized AI network, with great long-term potential, worthy of attention.

6. Game sector YGG (Yield Guild Games): Focuses on game NFTs, with growth potential and increasing market demand as GameFi develops.

GALA: A gaming ecosystem platform that covers a variety of games, has a broad user base, and has promising development prospects.

Summary of personal opinions:

Different sectors and currencies have their own characteristics. Everyone should choose the appropriate currency for layout based on their own risk tolerance and market analysis.

Meme coins have large short-term fluctuations, while ETH and SOL ecosystems have long-term development potential.

The technical prospects of the AI ​​sector are promising, public chain projects such as ETH and SOL are relatively stable, and the gaming sector has great room for growth in the future with the rise of GameFi.

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