What should I do if I keep losing money when trading cryptocurrencies?

"炒" is a verb. If this verb always makes you lose money, then try another way.

You and I all know that stock trading, futures trading, contract trading, etc. are all investment methods that start with the word "炒". However, these investment methods often account for the majority of losses, with seven losses, two draws and one profit. Although they all know this simple truth, many people still pursue the slim success with the hope of becoming the top one percent.

Why can you become the darling of God? Because you once saved the earth? Because you once struggled to pursue the true meaning of trading? Or because you love this trading deeply? None of them. Only by recognizing the truth, the facts, and yourself can you avoid losses that always follow you.

So, don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of leaving. Only when you dare to face yourself and dare to change, can you find the real you and the beautiful feeling that belongs to you.

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