Note: The original author is Thrive on Mars!

We are very excited to announce our exciting collaboration with $CHAD to implement a new deflationary mechanism in the Thrive on Mars game and the WAX ​​blockchain! With the implementation of the new deflationary mechanism, $MARTIA will become even more scarce. Let’s take a look at the details:


We are very excited to be working with $CHAD to bring a new deflation mechanism to the $MARTIA economy! This collaboration was initiated by CHAD (, and the new deflation mechanism is the result of a joint effort between $MARTIA and $CHAD. $CHAD is a meme coin project on the WAX ​​blockchain, driven by the community and a pioneer in the crypto space. Let’s take a deeper look at the details of this deflation mechanism!

Cooperation Legend

CHAD is a meme coin legend, and now it has officially landed on Mars! With its superior intelligence and advanced technology, CHAD brings ancient meme coin knowledge, including an automatic deflation mechanism, to Thrive on Mars to strengthen the Martian economy and enrich the future of $MARTIA.

What makes $CHAD different?

CHAD has a unique automatic deflation mechanism: every $CHAD transaction generates a 5% fee, 4% of which is destroyed, 0.5% is used as a staking reward, and 0.5% goes to the development team. $MARTIA will soon adopt a similar model and implement an automatic deflation mechanism, destroying a certain percentage of transaction fees in the same way (to be implemented in July).

New $CHAD/$MARTIA Farm and Exclusive Rewards


To celebrate this innovation, we have created a $CHAD/$MARTIA liquidity pool consisting of 80 billion $CHAD and 40 million $MARTIA.

Participate in the $CHAD/$MARTIA liquidity pool to receive exclusive rewards:


$LP used to redeem 80 billion $CHAD and 40 million $MARTIA has been burned.

$MARTIA is about to launch more deflationary mechanisms

Soon, the $MARTIA token economics will see additional deflationary mechanisms added to the mix, including the addition of massive token burns for game store sales, game production, and the upcoming LAND sales.

This will serve as a supplement to the automatic deflationary trading mechanism mentioned above. There will be more updates and details in the future, so stay tuned!

*Friendly reminder: This article is for popular science purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice!