The most conscientious economists in China are the Chinese aunties.

Aunties speculate in stocks, stocks fall.

Aunties buy gold, gold falls.

Aunties buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin falls.

Aunties buy Qianbao, Qianbao runs away.

It is much more accurate than the predictions of Ivy League and Wall Street.

The reason is very simple. Anything that can make aunties excited,

It means that the hype has reached its limit.

Because the higher-level leeks: investors, local tyrants, white-collar workers, and petty bourgeoisie have already fallen into the trap and lied down,

Just waiting for the aunties to come in and close the door.

The aunties are still very happy: you see so many people have made money, it must be true!

Each game has its own rules. For example, when we start a new game, the dealer deceives investors and makes money from them. Investors deceive the rich and make money from them. The rich deceive the petty bourgeoisie and make money from them. The petty bourgeoisie deceive white-collar workers and make money from them. White-collar workers deceive middle-aged women and make money from them. Middle-aged women can’t find anyone to deceive, so they send you WeChat messages every day. Therefore, middle-aged women are the only standard for testing the truth. When middle-aged women fill your WeChat with bitcoins, the future of bitcoins can be imagined. ,

Those who are stuck are still waiting to be untied,

and the smart dealers are already considering opening new markets,

If you really want to make money, you have to be a dealer yourself,

Use new concepts, new thinking and new ideas to fool investors and successfully pull the first pot of gold from the rich, this is success,

The rest of the things are fully automatic,

Once the snowball of capital starts rolling, no one can control it,

From the dealer's point of view,

Instead of spending a lot of effort to stop a crazy snowball,

Why not spread the money and pile up ten new snowballs?

Sometimes, it is conscience that limits our imagination