Stop falling and rebound, Bitcoin will rise first and then rise!

Good afternoon, it is the end of the month in a flash. Yesterday, the 6.18 coin circle seemed to have a discount, chattering, and the copycats dived directly. Although the high-altitude ideas are given to everyone, there is no rebound strength, so there is no opportunity to enter the market. I did not participate in the market in the second half of the night. The U.S. stock market is closed today, and the market volatility is not expected to be too large. The high-altitude ideas are still the main ideas during the day.

Yesterday, the big cake closed with a big negative lower shadow line. Now the price is at 65400. The Bollinger band is open. The price rebounded after testing the support of the lower Bollinger track. How strong the rebound is, it will take time to verify. The green kinetic energy column of MACD has not seen a significant reduction in volume, the fast and slow lines are close to the zero axis, and the KDJ has not yet formed a golden cross or a dead cross. The market tends to fluctuate. The 4-hour Bollinger Bands opened, and the price rebounded after falling to 64,000. It is currently under pressure from the Bollinger middle track. The MACD green kinetic energy column continues to shrink. KDJ forms a golden cross and moves upward. There is a rebound demand during the day. Pay attention to the 65,200 line below the support, and pay attention to the 67,200 here above. Try not to move in the middle position!

Strategy: Retreat to 65,200 one more time, target 66,000 and 67,200, and defend 64,500

The aunt has made a lot of noise in the past two days, and has been somewhat independent. Now the price is at 3560. The daily K closed with a small Yin line with a long lower shadow. After 3 am, it fluctuated upward all the way. The 4-hour MACD red kinetic energy column increased in volume. KDJ moved upward all the way after the golden cross. There is a rebound demand during the day. The operation can be treated as a first-come, then a second-served. Pay attention to the 3520 line below the support, and the 3640 above the pressure here.

Strategy: Retreat to around 3520, target 3580 to 3640, defense 3470

The above is only a personal opinion, the market changes in real time, everything is based on real market guidance, investment is risky, enter the market with caution! #币安合约锦标赛 #币安上线ZK $BTC $ETH