Wednesday, Bitcoin morning thinking analysis and operation!

People who can come out of the storm often don't rely on umbrellas! If you are also experiencing this at this time, remember not to get confused and everything should proceed in an orderly manner. Fang is stable!

For now, the market is still biased towards the Kung side. Yesterday, the downward trend continued to the 64200 line with great strength, and then rebounded. The current situation is in the process of over-adjustment, but the overall strength is not strong. The bears also continued to trend lower. Today's thinking is still mainly bearish on the trend.

In terms of technical structure, there has been an obvious short signal at the daily level, all indicators have adjusted weakly, and the downward channel should continue further. The weakness at the short-term 4-hour level can be clearly seen. The dense area of ​​moving average pressure measurement is concentrated at 66,000. The short-term rebound head did not explore this position, which shows that the pressure is still relatively high. In terms of operation today, I will continue to follow Kun Fang. After a slight rebound, we immediately arranged for Kong Tan to enter the market.

Wednesday morning operation ideas

Bitcoin, go short near 65300-65800, look at the 64000-63000 area, go short and long without breaking, and defend 600 points.

Ether, just synchronize with the pace of the pie! #币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析