【Market Research Report on June 19th——BTC structure has been released, ETH long and short structure is expected? The exchange rate is strengthening, is it a scam this time? 】


1. $BTC

The market sentiment and capital in recent days have begun to have "bear" characteristics, which are bears in quotation marks, pessimistic sentiment, exit, market makers reduce the frequency, etc. can be felt in the market. Every bull market grows secretly in pessimism and arrives in doubt. [In other words, bull markets have more pullbacks and bear markets have more surges. Isn't this easy to understand? Buy when no one cares, sell when the crowd is noisy.

The spot of the copycat is very miserable. Stay calm. I have been talking about it for a few months. I don’t allow heavy positions. The position is controlled at 5 levels. I said it when the last wave reached 7.2. Those with more than 5 levels and 7 levels can be sold. This is what I am waiting for.

The position is not more than 5 levels. Make up once when it falls. Many positions that you think are incredible will come. Don’t be a sucker. Chase when it rises, cut losses when it falls, question the position, dare not do it when it reaches the position, and make heavy positions again when it rebounds.

The daily MA120 of the big cake touched it three times. I said the day before yesterday that 6.5 is not enough and it will definitely fall below. At present, it is just a rebound of the middle track of the weekly line.

So the entry position below really doesn’t need to use your brain. Make up once at 6 6.2 and once at 5.7. Make a heavy position here at 5.5-5.2. Leave 2 layers of extreme positions 4.2 full and lie flat.

The idea of ​​intraday operation is explained in the video. Play with trading within the channel. Wherever it breaks through, find a way to break through.

Support 6.28 6.18 6 Pressure 6.66 6.72 6.85

2. $ETH

Pay more attention to the Ethereum exchange rate in the next few days. If it can break through 0.056, all kinds of Ethereum systems will rise in the future market

Short-term wedge structure trading, intervene at the upper and lower edges, break through and stop loss, break through and rebound and enter the market again, break through and step back

There are two structural assumptions inside, which are explained in the video

1. Assume the head and shoulders bottom

2. Assume the double shoulder structure

3. Copycat

Copycats are pitiful, and those who have been in copycats for the past year are pitiful people

I have always advised my friends that the main warehouse is in big cakes, Ethereum, BNB, etc., and copycats should not be heavily invested, it is not the right time

Bull market cycle, bull market, bull tail?

No matter which period, the market is a liquidity pool, and copycat dealers also need to make money. Since they have never been here, they are panicking for a few cents

If you dare to reach the position, you must dare to enter