At around 4 a.m., Ethereum started to rebound, dragging Bitcoin to breathe again.

This is probably because of the rumors that the S-1 of the ETH spot ETF was approved and trading started on July 2.

So it led to some Ethereum rebounds, among which Vitalik's son $ENS and the pledge leader $LDO rebounded the most.

These two tokens did show a certain strength in the past two days, which is why I bought ens the night before yesterday. But it was really scary to look at this needle when I woke up yesterday, but I believe the leverage has been cleared.

Today's rebound still depends on the performance of Ethereum. Ethereum's daily line tested the daily line Ma120 twice yesterday, and there is room for a short-term rebound near 3580 above.

Bitcoin's daily line is still not very good, on the verge of life and death. Although I can only see 5,000 points of space downward, the copycat really can't stand it.