🚀 Ethereum is crushing it! Leading the pack in fee generation with a whopping $180M in the past 30 days, according to Token Terminal. 📊

- Out of the top 20, only 5 are L1 blockchains and 1 is L2. The rest? All DeFi protocols.

- Ethereum, Tron, Bitcoin, and Lido are the only ones generating over $100M in fees.

- Uniswap DAO is the king of decentralized exchanges, while Aave rules the lending category.

Ethereum's success is due to its high take rate (around 80%) and revenue from transaction fee burns. Plus, it pays relatively low token incentives to validators. 🎉

And guess what? The Ethereum ecosystem could get a major boost if spot Ether ETFs launch next month. This could pave the way for other altcoins too! 💪

What do you think about Ethereum's dominance? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Ethereum #CryptoFees