Those who play copycats must be careful!

1. Wall Street News directly said that copycat coins are garbage dumps, and this bull market is led by Wall Street institutions.

2. Copycats have fallen so much, but the total market value of copycats is still at a historical high.

3. In the last round of bull market, new coins were generally listed with a market value of tens of millions, while in this round of bull market, new coins are generally listed with a market value of hundreds of millions, and are accompanied by a steady stream of unlocking.

4. So far, there has been no new ecological hotspot in Ethereum. The last round was NFT, what is this round?

5. In the past, retail investors speculated on coins randomly, but this round of institutional entry will not speculate on coins blindly. Coins in the AI ​​sector? Are there any practical applications? In the past, retail investors did not consider or turned a blind eye to the problems, but institutions will consider them.

6. In the long run, the copycat bear market is actually a good thing for copycats, which can allow projects that really do things to break out. If all the future is to speculate on MEME and take advantage of hot spots, copycats will really become a real garbage dump.

7. There will definitely not be a general rise in the altcoin market. After this round of sharp drop, institutions will only pull in coins with real potential, looking for treasures in the garbage dump. #btc