Why are there so many people playing the cryptocurrency contract after it has been liquidated?

Because they want to get their money back, because they want financial freedom, and to get rich! How can they get their money back if they don't play? Let's take a look at the current market! It's crazy. Take a look at the current net liquidity of the US dollar, because this part involves too many macro contents.

For practitioners or traders in the cryptocurrency industry, it seems that BTC has been the focus of global attention in the past two years, but in fact, at least from a data perspective, the results are very disappointing.

From the video views of all BTC-related channels on YouTube in the past five years, you can clearly see that the highlight moment of BTC is the bull market in 2021, and the current bull market is not as popular as before, whether in terms of attention or topic popularity.

A sad fact: when BTC broke through the historical high of 69,000, the popularity on YouTube was not as high as when FTX exploded. . . But if we still compare it with the previous price breaking through the historical high, the data is still much better than in the past.

This shows that if the price of BTC can continue to be strong in the future and once break through the $100,000 mark, these long-silent leeks will still come back.

Conclusion: From the perspective of social media, this round of bull market is not much different from the previous bull market. BTC has achieved social media normalization, especially in the current market that is gradually becoming US-based, the attention of the majority of leeks is far less important than in the past bull market.

Finally, let's summarize this round of bull market:

1. The rise is slow, and it does not show the money-making effect of the past bull market.

2. Poor liquidity. Most of the high-market-value cottages except BTC have not reached new highs.

3. Lack of traffic, social media attention is far lower than in the past bull market.