There are only two types of people in the currency circle:

1. Dealers

2. Retail investors

The latter specializes in taking over the orders of the previous people. In any market, it is never the latter who takes over the orders of the previous people, but the fool who takes over the orders of the smart people. As long as you speculate in coins, contracts, etc., you can only be a taker at any time. But as long as you hoard coins, you can still have a way out as a project party. The market is highly controlled by the exchange.

The news and K-lines you see are all drawn by the dealers and project parties. Driven by algorithms, the exchange can even accurately blast and make you lose all your money.

The bull market advocated on the Internet is coming, it's time to enter the market. These are all information about cutting leeks released by dealers. If you take it seriously, you will lose.

If you enter the market, you will be finished.

Holding coins steadily is the only way out for retail investors. You may say that hoarding coins makes money too slowly. Congratulations, you have fallen into the leek thinking released by the dealers.

99% of the thinking in the market is cultivated by dealers. If you want to make money, you must get rid of the leek thinking.

If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency world and get first-hand cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow Sponge, which publishes daily market analysis and recommends high-quality potential currencies.