By: Tia, Techub News


“It all started because I felt that current products were not decentralized enough, because they were designed by someone, and when they were formed, they were already the centralized ideas of someone or a team. Intention is a good carrier. When everyone has the same intention, or when the same intention appears collectively, a certain degree of emergence may occur, that is, the birth of a certain demand, idea, or potential product.”

I have come across some DAOs. They are usually initiated by a certain person or a group of people, and they operate with a vision as their main goal. The decentralized part usually only appears when appointing positions, that is, the positions are determined by voting. In addition, DAOs have almost no profitability, and the source of funds usually comes from the founders or other investors or grants from other projects. But as a decentralized organization, the role of the founder is naturally incompatible with DAO. DAO should be the product of collective wisdom and should not be initiated by one person. In addition, a very important link in the operation process - finance comes from a certain group of people. This is not a good phenomenon. First, DAO cannot just let investors completely ignore profits and just generate electricity for love. Second, due to the influence of funds, it is difficult to say that the subsequent development route of DAO is not affected by investors.

But the emergence of "intention" may change this situation. If the biological world relies on pheromones to transmit information, then intention is a good tool for human society to transmit information, which should be much better than the "price" in today's society. Intentions can emerge as thoughts and then evolve into visions. Anoma's intention machine allows users to express preferences and intentions, which creates a soil for groups with common intentions and preferences to co-create. So maybe we can also build products or co-create based on a set of group intentions.

As for the financing issue, I think we can use meme tokens to explore the views of a wider group on the intention or preference, so that meme tokens are not just expressions of preference with price as the carrier. It can detect the market's views on the intention and bring capital inflow and a certain degree of marketing for the next step of "creation".

The remaining question is about governance. Compared with popular hot topics such as DeFi, chain abstraction, DA, etc., decentralized governance and DAO have never received much attention. Many people underestimate the importance of governance. People often say that in blockchain, we trust. Yes, we do eliminate the need for trust through code and smart contracts, but behind a series of codes is actually a series of rules. If decentralized governance is not achieved, web3 will eventually return to the cycle of web2.

The advantages and disadvantages of leaders are obvious. The process of natural evolution without intention is a collective progress, slow but steady. When a person with highly different ideas appears in the group, it will be much faster to let him lead everyone. But there are also many disadvantages, especially when the collective wisdom lags far behind the individual wisdom, which means that the collective wisdom is easy to be deceived at this stage, especially when another person with equally intelligent but malicious intentions appears. Following is not a good way, the group needs to gradually grow its own wisdom.

This is my personal political inclination. Of course, when we think about it from the perspective of the company, it is another matter. Because it involves competition, which is the main feature of distinguishing whether it is a public good. Public goods are anti-competitive. From this perspective, it is also possible to promote the construction of an anti-competitive society. But further research is needed to see if there is a better answer. Or we can leave it as an open option and let the group choose for themselves.

What form of governance should be taken, how should the governance medium be set, whether it should be in the form of NFT or tokens, whether economic value should be given to it or should it remain pure, and how the proportion of voting should be determined, all of which require a lot of systematic research.