Odaily Planet Daily News: Bank of America's monthly global fund manager survey shows that investors firmly believe that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates at least twice in the next 12 months, and 84% of investors expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates at some point in 2024. 33% of respondents expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates twice in the next 12 months, 31% of respondents expect three rate cuts, and 14% of respondents expect more than three rate cuts. Only 8% believe that the Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates during this period. In terms of specific time, 39% of investors expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in September, 16% of investors expect to cut interest rates in November, and 23% of investors expect to cut interest rates in December. Only 6% of investors expect the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates as early as July. (Jinshi)