The market is not good, so we can only keep investing and researching, and efforts will eventually see the light!

Recently, projects with high FDV + low circulation have been complained about, such as ZK, which was launched yesterday.

Our researchers have been looking for high-quality projects with full circulation + market verification + endorsement by top institutions + market value less than 1 billion US dollars. The $LPT $ZRX and other projects we mined in the early days performed well, all in this direction.

Recently, $BAKE has entered our field of vision.

1. As Binance's own son, a key investment project, the current market value is only 110 million US dollars, the token is fully circulated, and the peak price is as high as 8.4 US dollars. After a round of cyclical washes, the price fell to the historical low of 0.38 US dollars. The project has a burning deflation mechanism, and 60% of the tokens have been burned in the early days.

2. The project party has been building, and the Launchpad mechanism of the BTC ecosystem at the beginning of the year has attracted much attention.

3. In terms of K-line technical form, the weekly line has been washed more thoroughly, with volume rising and no volume falling, limited downward space, and high odds.

4. Recently, with the fluctuation of $BTC and the decline of $BNB, $BAKE has been attacked by many air force. Currently, the open interest of Binance BAKE contract is as high as 36 million US dollars, and the contract trading volume is as high as 300 million US dollars, which is three times its market value. As a spot player, most of the air force is fuel, which undoubtedly brings strong momentum to the rise and is worth paying attention to. #币安上线ZK