Getting along with others and making others feel "comfortable" is a skill

I have a 58-year-old customer who dresses up beautifully like a young girl every day. Her children and grandchildren are all abroad. She and her husband live in a small villa in the suburbs. They have two cats and a dog. The greatest pleasure every day is to take care of their own small yard and cook all kinds of delicious food.

She never wears middle-aged and elderly clothes. She wears my clothes all year round. She wears whatever a girl in her twenties wears. Because she has good maintenance and medical beauty, she has few white hairs in her sixties. And there are roses tattooed on her shoulders, chest and back. When she was young, she opened a bar for business.

She said she likes to chat with me very much. Today I brought the peaches she planted in her yard, and I stayed there for an afternoon and didn't want to leave. She showed me the villa yard and those delicate and beautiful flowers, and very enthusiastically invited me to her house. I can feel that she is actually quite boring. But I am a person with a strong sense of boundaries. The older I get, the less I like to make close friends with people, especially the private communication that can enter each other's homes.

I like chatting with someone. The more comfortable you feel, the more she may put away her "discomfort". It's because she treats you as the protagonist, takes care of your feelings, listens to your heart, comforts your unhappiness, and admires your achievements. All this empathy is because she "gives" invisibly, so you feel comfortable with her.

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