6.18 Market Analysis


The Fed has repeatedly postponed the interest rate cut this year. How can we find buyers for the US debts that are due to expire in the second half of the year and need to be replaced? It may be the opposite of what you think. The Fed insists on high interest rates to make it easier to sell US debts, thereby helping the US federal government to complete deficit financing and support its huge expenditures such as domestic social welfare and foreign war aid. Once the Fed presses the interest rate cut button, the capital flowing back to the United States will be scattered, and there will be no one to take over the huge amount of US debt. In order to add a double insurance, the Fed has quietly started to slow down the reduction of its balance sheet in June, so that it can personally buy US debts and promote US debt sales.

Technical aspects:

Five-day line: The MA200 moving average of the five-day line has broken, and this wave will go to the 55,000 line

Daily line: The trend of the daily line level is to fall sideways. It is very likely that this kind of ups and downs will occur in the second half of the month to mid-July. The 7w-5w shock has been mentioned before, which is basically in line with

Four-hour line: This four-hour line currently broke through the previous low of 65190, and the lowest inserted to 64569. It can be regarded as the completion of this downward trend. There will be a four-hour level rebound below. Whether it rebounds to 67500 or 68600 depends on the amount of energy released upward today and tomorrow

Operation plan: Buy more when the price drops sharply, buy less when the price drops slightly, and lay out in advance for the subsequent interest rate cuts, sow seeds in advance, mainly spot, supplemented by contracts, consider opening shorts near 68600

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