#ENS $ENS ENS eats meat. Yesterday, the intraday short-term prompt was short. Everyone was asked to focus on the 23.562 watershed. The market broke the 4-hour long and short price and went short all the way to the lower target. Short-term contract monitoring operation, real-time attention to the changes in long and short forces.

ENS market analysis of the day:

1/2/hour level is determined to be in the long trend, 4-hour level is short, today pay attention to the 4-hour level long and short watershed 23.268 near this position.

The lower target first looks at: 22.018--24.433--20.927 near these three prices.

The upper target of the market rebound first looks at 23.481--24.333--24.918 near these three prices.

Watch the short-term market, capture the changes in long and short forces in real time, and grasp every wave of the market! Follow me, live broadcast with real orders every day, one-on-one guidance, even novices can master the code of wealth, find my comment assistant, if you need to analyze the search for copycat positions (public account: Encrypted Wind) ✌️👗cfst1315#Ens #ENSUSDT #ens终于启动了 #ENS.24小时交易策略