On June 18, the symptoms of the group members had eased. No one fantasized about the bull market anymore. There were fewer noises in the square and it gradually became quiet, as if everyone had seen the reality and had begun to make a living. Some deliverymen picked up the still-hot lunch boxes they had thrown away in the morning, the express deliverymen pulled the tricycles out of the ditch, the Didi driver called back the bargaining passenger he had just scolded, the KTV princess apologized for the slap she had just slapped, the waiter just went out and turned back to tie his apron and told the boss that he had just gone out to smoke. The boss thought he was very down-to-earth and didn't waste time smoking so quickly, and the screwdriver immediately picked up the wrench on the ground. No one gave up on themselves, and I believe that the group will soon return to its former liveliness.


#BTC走势分析 $BTC