Yesterday, the performance of the big cake and the second cake was relatively stable, but there was a large fluctuation early this morning. The price of the big cake quickly fell below 65,000 points in a short period of time, but then quickly rebounded. Affected by the lower expectations of interest rate cuts and the macro-economy, market sentiment is still depressed and it will take some time to restore confidence. From a technical perspective, the 4-hour chart shows that the market is still in the consolidation stage, and there is no clear upward signal yet. Therefore, we expect that the market may have a further correction today. The cake also followed the trend of the big cake. The price fell rapidly in the morning and has fallen below the previous stable range. Despite the good news of ETFs, market expectations are still unclear under the influence of the current macro environment. If the second cake falls below 3,350 again, the future market will be more pessimistic. Yesterday, it was mentioned that the big cake would touch the 64,700 position, which has been achieved today. There will be a rebound at present. The big cake refers to the 66,000 line, and there will be another correction here.