What should we do when altcoins plummet?


Recently, altcoins have fallen a bit, more than 40% in two weeks. I guess all the newbies are panicking? Don't worry, let's listen to what the experts say.

Some analysts think that the decline of altcoins is only temporary, and the market may be adjusting to prepare for the next big bull market. It's like setting a "trap" to make us mistakenly think that the market has reached its peak, but it hasn't yet.

Why did altcoins fall so badly when Bitcoin didn't rise much? It may be because many altcoin projects have no real innovation, and hype alone is not enough. Therefore, you have to look for projects that are truly useful and can develop sustainably.

Of course, some people are quite confident in altcoins. Although there may be fluctuations in the short term, in the long run, blockchain technology is becoming more and more mature, and there are more and more application scenarios. Altcoins still have a lot of room for growth.

Finally, I have to remind you that Bitcoin and altcoins may go their separate ways in the future. Be careful when investing and see which project is more worth investing in.

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