Fan team member:📣

Today's market is changing rapidly, and the enemy's offensive is fierce. At this critical moment, I call on all soldiers to remain calm and wait patiently. We are in a strategic wait, and every member should stick to their own ambush points. This is the moment we have been looking forward to for a long time.

Let's first review the previous market from 3977 on May 27th to today's lowest 3355, which has been adjusted back by 622 points.

Look at the decline from 3653 yesterday to 3355 in just 24 hours, which is also 298 points.

At this moment, the rebound trend has been formed, and the air force has completely entered our encirclement.

At this time, we will annihilate the air force in one fell swoop with a thunderbolt, and seize the precious chips at the low position of the market. This is not only a victory in a battle, but also the key to our long-term layout to consolidate the results of the battle.

We will truly achieve a strategic breakthrough and win a real victory✌️. Let's go hand in hand, with firm belief and precise strategy points - long order entry - go, go, go...✌️🚀💪

Strategy: Go long when the price falls back to around 3420. Don't hesitate or wait and see. The last chance to get on board! It depends on whether you can catch it. #热门话题 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥 $BTC $ETH