😀Join Taiko's Trailblazers Program to Share $20M

⏰Time: 12/06 - 12/09

Taiko is a Layer 2 solution for Ethereum aimed at improving the network's scalability and performance.

🟢Here are 3 reasons why you should join this program:

1. Clear criteria and it's the first season: Similar to Mantle with its $15M reward fund, this program has less fomo but offers great returns.

2. Supported by Vitalik: Vitalik has been bullish on Taiko multiple times. Despite being mainnet for almost a month, the TVL is still just over $12M.

3. Good airdrop history: Taiko airdrops to testnet users without fees, making it worth supporting.

✍️How to earn XP:
- Go to the event website: http://trailblazers.taiko.xyz
- Connect your wallet and mint an NFT Faction Badge (requires ETH gas fees on Taiko network)
- Activities to earn XP: Bridging (ETH and ERC20), transaction volume, transaction count, block proposals.
- Each transaction gives 560 XP, each dollar value swapped gives 1 XP.
- There is a daily XP cap, so make sure to do transactions daily.

#Taiko #GemxCrypto