6.18 The cryptocurrency market collapsed! ? ?

Collapse is nothing new. Remember, it is a normal phenomenon. If it doesn't collapse, how can it rise? If no one loses money, how can someone make money?

The principle is very simple

There are 10 people at a gambling table. Some people are the banker, some are cheaters, some use perspective devices, some look at curves, some make curves, some consult experts, and some spend money to buy gossip. No matter what means you use, is there a way to make all 10 people make money?

Some people make a lot of money, it must be the money lost by most people?

How to make money? It's very simple, let others lose money, others don't lose money, you can't make money, it's that simple.

If everyone doesn't make money, naturally no one loses money, then will you continue to play in this market? Is the dealer still willing to play? In this kind of lifeless market, the platform is unwilling to continue.

Why can't most people hold on? Can't bear it?

I think I can analyze it, but this is not important. If you play this game, remember that it is a good thing for someone to lose money. The worse the loss, the worse the fall, the better it is. What if most people don't sell in a bear market? There is only one result: the bull market will not come.

When will the bull market come back? There is no date, only a sign. Most people who lost money have sold.

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At present, the bull market is surging, and we share passwords every day.

Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. Bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It's better to follow than to guess.