The end of zkSync marks the end of the airdrop era? Is that a little far-fetched?

In 2023, the public chain SUI, which everyone was optimistic about, did not issue any airdrops. Many people tried to invest for several years, but ended up with nothing. However, this did not prevent Starknet from making a big profit six months later. 90% of zkSync accounts did not receive any airdrops, which will not affect the development of the industry in the future.

🧵 Recently#Scrollhas seen a large number of additions. Let’s take a look at the leading project Stakestone. How to play and make money?

Don't worry about the disappearance of the airdrop industry. It has just changed from a rough form to one that requires us to cultivate it carefully. We just need to build up all our means of production. As long as we interact with fair projects, there will be no problem in turning things around.

So in the second half of 2024, where should we focus our efforts, how should we cultivate our talents, and what should we do?

We will answer this question through the following text. The main contents of this article are:

  • Da Mao will also be in the ETH system

  • What are the big ETH holders doing?

  • What is the reason why millions of people add Scroll?

  • Leading project Stakestone, a practical tutorial on how to eat six kinds of fish

1. ETH is still the mainstream

The Layer2 narrative has not ended yet, and several large public chains are still under development. We have always talked about airdrops, and the focus is on public chains. As long as the public chains do not do evil, they are all big profits. Many people's funds have always been on the chain in ETH, and have participated in the interaction of many projects.

Words are not enough, let's look at the data:

  • Ethereum supply currently stands at 120.15 million, down from 120.16 million yesterday and down from 120.23 million a year ago. This is a -0.00% change from yesterday and -0.06% from a year ago.

  • The current pledge rate is 27.47%, which is 0.51% higher than 26.96% on May 20. In the past 20 days, many people chose to pledge.

  • Last week’s ETH inflation: 8,768.69 ETH, weekly destruction: 9344.52 ETH, on-chain circulation is relatively active.

We all know that cross-chain transactions consume the highest gas fees. From the data, we can infer that many projects have recently been crossing ETH to other chains.

2. Where did ETH go?

The circle needs liquidity, and funds will not flow to other directions for no reason. If there is not enough attraction, these funds can also be pledged on this chain with an annualized return of +3%.

So let’s see where ETH has flowed to?

In addition to cashing out to exchanges, more funds are flowing to Layer 2. Combining etherscan data and ETH Bridge to L2 weekly data:

The most capital flows are: Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, zkSync, Base, linea, scroll...

Okay, here we have the direction for the second half of the year. We will follow up on those public chains that have not yet taken snapshots until the airdrop is launched.

I have deployed many of the projects above. Since Scroll has been very popular recently, the popular project Stakestone has launched many activities on it, so let's see if Scroll is worth it? Is it necessary? How does Stakestone kill seven birds with one stone?

3. Necessity of Scroll Airdrop Interaction

I have written many tutorials on Scroll before, but I have never analyzed the data. Let’s take a look at the Scroll data.

Scroll's data began to soar in May, with TVL increasing by 211.11% and user numbers increasing by 30.4% in the past three months.

So I think there is a need for interaction.

Let's see how to do it:

1. Scroll Airdrop Rules

Scroll released the Scroll Marks user points statistics rules on May 15, which mainly counts the scores of users' bridging data and gas burning data since the launch of the Scroll mainnet on October 10, 2023.

Later projects will issue airdrops based on Scroll Marks (which we regard as points).

Eligibility criteria (points will be awarded if any one of them is met):

  • It has crossed eth, wstETH and STONE to Scroll (more bridge assets will be opened later)

  • Burned 5u of gas on the Scroll network

The Gas column shows the snapshot taken on April 29. Don’t be discouraged by the time. This is the data for Session Zero. There is also Session One after that. I don’t know whether Two or Three have been lost yet, but Session One is definitely there, so if you want to get it, you have to get it early.

Let's look at the data indicators so we can have a better direction.

(II) Scroll Marks data indicator analysis

Scroll Marks currently counts 2,521,556 valid addresses, the intervals are as follows:

  • 0 marks:587,363 Address

  • 1–10 marks: 377,759 Address

  • 11–20 marks: 47,532 Address

  • 21–50 marks: 127,851 Address

  • 51–100 marks: 309,974 Address

  • 101–200 marks: 354,525 Address

  • 201–300 marks: 148,814 Address

  • 301–400 marks: 71,384 Address

  • 401–500 marks: 37,850 Address

  • 500+ marks:67,782 Address

  • Among these 2.5 million addresses, nearly 590,000 users have a Mark of 0;

  • Most users are in the range of 1–10 Marks;

  • 50% had only 83 Marks;

  • To be in the top 10%, you need to hold 2130 Marks.

So here comes the direction, try to get your points into the top 10%, so that you don’t have to worry about Scroll officials releasing Session One/Two/Three later to dilute your points, so that you can get a high allocation.

3. How to increase your points

For public chains, the way to increase points is to calculate transaction volume, and you can see which range you are in based on the transaction ranking.

The trading volume ranges are as follows:

  • TOP 10%:9000U

  • TOP 30%:999U

  • TOP 50%:99U

With various indicators and data standards, we know what to do.

The Scroll official website’s tips are very simple. You will get points by crossing eth, wstETH and STONE to Scroll and Scroll. The cross-chain weight is much higher than the weight of burning gas.

So if you want to save trouble and enter the TOP 10% with minimal wear and tear, you can just cross 0.3-0.4 STONEs. After you finish the first two seasons, you can increase the trading volume. This way your winning rate will be much higher.

The practical operation is as follows.

3. Why choose STONE?

Stakestone has written a lot of in-depth analysis articles, so I will not repeat the dual investment in Binance and OK here. We only need to know that when the token is launched in the fourth quarter, it will be listed on one of the exchanges.

1. Stakestone’s staking returns surpass all ETH assets

STONE's PT income on Tranchess is higher than all ETH assets [including LRT] - 24.8%, and the expected airdrop pricing has exceeded other ETH [including LRT] assets:

This is just one of the benefits. Now let’s see how to get seven benefits from one fish.

2. Stakestone: Six Ways to Eat One Fish

✅ Key points: The only staking protocol with <no barriers to deposit and withdraw>, STONE is the only interest-bearing ETH on Scroll

🐟 One fish, six ways to eat: Stone points + Scroll points + Scroll ecosystem airdrop + Eigenlayer points + Carrot points (points from the router project) + POS staking income.

Minimum funds: No limit. Airdrops are limited to TVL. The more you deposit, the more benefits you get.

(III) Practical steps

Step 1: Withdraw ETH from the exchange to the Ethereum wallet (if there is ETH in the wallet or ETH on other chains, please skip to the next step)

  • Enter the official website

Step 2: Transfer ETH to Scroll Chain (Method 1)

  • Use stake and bridge to convert ETH directly into STONE and cross it to Scroll

Crossing ETH into Scroll Chain (Method 2)

  • Click stake on L2

Here you can convert ETH on the scroll chain or assets on other chains into STONE on Scroll;

Step 3: Stake ETH

Enter the amount of assets you want to stake and click “stake” to complete the stake.

Larger amounts may take 4–5 minutes to complete.

After staking, you can check your points status:

The above is today’s tutorial on how to eat multiple foods from one fish.

StakeStone is the technology provider of Manta. Many bloggers like to talk about project financing when analyzing projects. Although project financing can show that the project is very popular with capital, if we don’t understand what the project is for, you may not know how to continue to make money on the project.

There is a saying in the Web3 investment circle that it is better to look at the narrative than the financing. Whoever has a stronger narrative has a greater chance. I have done in-depth research on StakeStone before. The project is very strong. If you are interested, you can take a look. You may think it may be a potential project.