Is it so difficult to change careers?

When Jack Ma was studying at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in the 2000s, he went to Hong Kong with Niu Gensheng and others to visit Li Ka-shing. At that time, they were all young students. Going to Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business was equivalent to making connections. Going to visit Li Ka-shing was equivalent to paying respects.

Of course, if you go to business school now, due to changes in the business environment, it is impossible for you to meet Jack Ma or have someone who will become Jack Ma's level in the future in your class.

Because there is no longer an opportunity to create a new platform, your business school classmates will not become Jack Ma in the future. People who have become people of Jack Ma's level will not go to business school again. Business schools now are all for workers and small bosses to meet people for their own ulterior motives. It is similar to those who sell private board meetings.

Jack Ma asked Li Ka-shing, why did you succeed in investing in so many new industries?

Li Ka-shing said one sentence - the key to success in investing in new industries is that you have to have a business that is very profitable until you die.

Xu Jiayin made a lot of money in the early stage of real estate business, but the key problem is that the real estate business itself is a business that you have to pay off debts while you are alive, not a business that is very profitable even if you die.

In fact, the real estate business requires you to pay off debts while you are alive. This is also the reason why Wang Jianlin has never wanted to do real estate, but has to continue to do it because of path dependence.

Whether it is Lei Jun, Jack Ma, or Zhang Yiming, they did not have debts at the beginning, and the Internet took the money of investors. This is a brand new venture capital model for the traditional industry's lending model financing.

Then after a business is done well and has a stable cash flow, it will go to the next business. It meets the condition that the business is very profitable even if you die.

The so-called transformation is actually investing in a new industry, or entering a new industry.

Seeing this, we actually understand why it is so difficult for ordinary people to transform?

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