#BTC 4 hours Bitcoin short-term top pattern At present, we see the 4-hour candlestick chart of BTCUSD. In the chart, Bitcoin has built a box shape twice and confirmed that it has fallen below the low support of 66115.0. The double top pattern is established and a short-term bearish pattern is formed. The upper edge of the box can be set as a stop loss for short orders (72069.5). The lower target is at 60160.5 at the 200th position of the Fibonacci sequence. During the process, attention should be paid to the lower support range of 63840.5-64495.5. The digital currency market has a large band. It is recommended that operators should strictly implement risk control and avoid high leverage and high contract volume operations to avoid additional losses caused by turbulent market conditions. The article is a personal comment, please refer to it with caution.