OAX is short at the daily level. Pay attention to the white line position: 0.2058. As long as the upward movement does not break this price, we are still short in the general direction.

We can wait for the short buying point, i.e. the purple dot, at the 4-hour level.

Today's focus: the price of 0.1991. As long as it is below this price, it is still short. #OAX.24小时交易策略 #OAX.智能策略库

Target: around 0.1905-0.01804.

If it successfully occupies the price of 0.1991, go to the 1-hour level to wait for the long buying signal, i.e. the yellow dot.

Upper pressure level: around 0.2123#OAX.24小时交易策略 #美联储何时降息? $OAX