Guys, do you know how long a bull market in a currency circle can last?

Altcoin dropped miserably, it was true that everything had to turn against itself!

If you don't buy the bottom now, when will you wait?

The current currency circle is exactly the same as last year. At first it decreased and caused panic, then quickly increased.

The decline and panic have already happened, it just depends on whether it bottoms out and then rises.

I expect the speed to be very fast, maybe ten and a half days, and we will see which series of altcoins can shine then!

Now enter the field, the land is full of gold!

All I picked up were bloody chips!

In April, altcoins halved, in May they paused, and in June they halved again.

The currencies that are still rising in price in the market are a small number of strong coins and hot coins.

So coin selection is very important and you also have to chase the hot spots!

Making money in the currency circle is not easy. To enter this trading round, as long as you do two things well, you can surpass at least 80% of people, not to mention become rich.

It's about doing a good job of risk management and adjusting your trading psychology.

If you can't stand the market fluctuations then stop playing, just reserve your spot and leave it alone.

Finally, I hope you all can become less attached and money-oriented on your trading path. You can also chat with me and find some people who share the same channel to move forward together.