Everyone knows that keys are very important to us, so protecting keys must start from the source.

When we generate a wallet, the wallet software will ask us to record the generated key. At this time, many beginners will first think of taking a screenshot or recording the key in a computer notepad. In order to facilitate future retrieval, they will also save the key file to WeChat, email, etc. This is a very, very, very incorrect practice. The key will be leaked on the Internet in minutes.

It's actually very simple. You can use a notebook and a pen to record it, and store it in a safe, dry place. It's especially important not to use a piece of paper to record it, as it might be thrown away as waste paper someday...

In addition, at any time, no one, including the customer service staff of the so-called wallet, will ask you to provide your key, because the digital currency is kept by you, and no one except you should be able to obtain your key.

Remember, if the wallet software needs to re-import the key due to a phone failure or loss, this import operation should be done by you independently without the involvement of any wallet customer service staff.

Do you remember it?