Ethereum investors are losing confidence

So, the falling price of Ethereum is causing ETH holders to become increasingly skeptical, with many moving to sell their holdings to recoup their losses.

Looking at the network's realized P&L indicator, profit taking has been on the rise over the past few days. The rise in the gauge is the largest in three months, with the last such selling observed in March when 7,171,983,1160 were rising. But this is done due to declining optimism related to further profits.

Those who sell on the network that has created the most anxiety are the long term owners. These investors tend to hold their assets for more than a year. HODLing during declines shows conviction and confidence in the recovery. On the other hand, selling them quickly causes a downward rally, causing the price to fall further.

This is evident in the expended lifetime of ETH, where the rise shows increased supply traffic within addresses. This tends to show an increasing decline in conviction among investors.

In the case of Ethereum, such a rise in the index is not a good sign for the crypto asset. Also, it shows that long-term holders are unsure about future recovery
