Do you agree with the strategy of "covering positions on the decline"?

Imagine that you bought 100,000u worth of coins at a price of 10u, and then the price fell to 5u. You might think this is a good opportunity to cover your position, so you invest another 100,000u. This way, your average cost drops to 6.7u, which seems to be a wise move to save costs.

However, in practice, you must ensure that you have sufficient funds in reserve to cope with possible further declines. If the market continues to be sluggish, you may quickly run out of funds.

Some people claim that if you can earn a stable return of 1% every day, you can easily accumulate wealth.

This sounds very attractive. But the reality is often harsher. The market is full of uncertainty, and any wrong decision may cause you to quickly lose your previous gains. Investing is not a game that relies on luck. Even if you are 60% sure, after investing many times in a row, no one can guarantee that you will not encounter that 40% failure situation all the time.

Investing requires careful and well-thought-out strategies, not simple mathematical calculations or relying on luck. Successful investors will take into account market conditions, personal risk tolerance and long-term investment goals.

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