DeFi Data

1. Total market value of DeFi tokens: $94.461 billion

DeFi total market value Data source: coingecko

2. The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours was US$4.248 billion

The transaction volume of decentralized exchanges in the past 24 hours. Data source: coingecko

3. Assets locked in DeFi: $101.666 billion

The top ten rankings of DeFi projects with locked assets and locked-in amounts. Data source: defillama

NFT Data

1. Total NFT market value: $35.165 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

2. 24-hour NFT trading volume: $2.135 billion

NFT total market value, top ten projects by market value Data source: Coinmarketcap

3. Top NFTs in 24 hours

Top 10 NFTs with the highest sales growth in 24 hours Data source: NFTGO


Research: Memecoin market could see a surge in institutional investors

Golden Finance reported that Despread Research, the research arm of Web3 consulting firm Despread, released a report on the evolution of the Memecoin market and future potential, analyzing the utility of Memecoin as a speculative asset. The team noted that VanEck, an American asset management company, launched a Memecoin index fund that tracks the prices of six popular Memecoins, including DOGE, PEPE and WIF. The report said that while the launch of the VanEck Memecoin Index Fund is unlikely to immediately attract institutional investment in Memecoin, the community-driven Memecoin has grown and developed without any utility, attracting institutional interest, which is significant. The VanEck Memecoin Index Fund may become a catalyst for more institutional and retail investors to become interested in memecoin. We have seen that cryptocurrency-based fund companies want to include Memecoin in their portfolios. Stratos, a California-based cryptocurrency fund company, launched the WIF Liquidity Fund in December last year, and as of the first quarter of 2024, the fund has achieved a return rate of 137%. According to Despread Research, as a carrier of social ideology, Memecoin will continue to grow and develop.

NFT Hot Spots

1. Slerf is about to airdrop to NFT holders

Golden Finance reported that Slerf officially posted on the X platform that it is preparing airdrops for our NFT holders, snapshots will be taken in the next few hours, and airdrops are coming soon.

2. The digital collection platform that refuted the rumor and ran away was collectively complained, and the price of the collection dropped from 199 yuan to 9 yuan

Golden Finance reported that recently, a screenshot of a digital collection platform "officially announcing its departure" that was described by netizens as "very arrogant" was circulated online. The announcement was signed by the operation team of the digital collection platform Shenlong Shuzang, and it was loudly declared, "We have run away! All good things must come to an end. This banquet is only a mess. The smart people have already eaten their fill and left the table, but you are unwilling to leave and clink your bowl with chopsticks, and you are greeted with a huge bill for this feast." Subsequently, Shenlong Shuzang issued a rumor-refuting announcement on its App, saying that "the online rumor that the platform has run away is false." However, complaints about the platform's suspected money-making and false propaganda continue to emerge. Recently, several consumers broke the news that Shenlong Shuzang used the digital collections jointly developed by the Xi'an Ming and Qing Shadow Art Museum as "endorsement" and could earn nearly 3 million yuan in one day, but changed the creators after attracting consumers to buy. Not only that, the prices of digital collections purchased by consumers on the platform quickly collapsed within a few days. "After I bought the collection, I found that the prices of all the commodities were falling. Some commodities have dropped from 199 yuan to 9 yuan," said the consumer.

3. ZKsync ecosystem NFT project zkApes plans to work with multiple projects to resist ZK’s insider trading

Golden Finance reported that the ZKSync ecological NFT project zkApes announced on the X platform that it has formed an alliance with projects such as Element, imToken, Argent, and WOOFi, with the goal of putting pressure on ZK Nation and Matter Labs to resist insider trading and other behaviors. At the same time, zkApes called on exchanges such as Binance, OKX, Coinbase, and Kuxoin not to list ZK tokens until these chaos and disputes stop.

DeFi Hotspot

1. ZK’s market value on the first day of listing exceeded US$935 million, and its fully diluted value was approximately US$5.3 billion

Golden Finance reported that the ZKsync token ZK, currently priced at about $0.25, went online on Monday and has been listed on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges for various trading pairs. The market value of the token currently exceeds $935 million, and the fully diluted value is approximately $5.3 billion. The maximum supply of ZKsync tokens is 21 billion, and the current circulating supply exceeds 3.6 billion. According to Coingecko, ZKsync's trading volume reached nearly $99 million within a few hours of its launch. The third quarter of the Ignition Rewards Program will begin on July 1

Golden Finance reported that according to an official post by on the X platform, the claim period for Ignition Season 1 and Season 2 will end at 19:00 Beijing time on June 18, 2024. Users with eligible wallets must claim before the end of the claim period. The claim period for Season 3 will begin at 21:00 Beijing time on July 1, 2024.

3.Chiliz: Dragon8 hard fork is now live and introduces a new token economic model

On June 17, sports blockchain provider Chiliz announced that the "Dragon8" hard fork on Chiliz Chain is now live, introducing a complex new token economic model. Tokenomics 2.0 is characterized by a structured annual inflation rate that starts at 8.80% and gradually decreases and stabilizes at 1.88% after about 14 years. A key component of this is the transaction fee destruction mechanism, which aims to provide a balanced incentive structure.

4. Vitalik: Off-chain ZK applications underestimate the potential of using STARKs

According to Golden Finance, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin posted on social media that he believes that off-chain ZK applications really underestimate the potential of using STARK, including use cases with high privacy requirements. Currently, STARK is less than 100 kB, and for off-chain use cases, this amount of bandwidth is negligible compared to the client proof time saved by using STARK.

5.Scroll: Currently upgrading the Sepolia testnet

According to Golden Finance, Scroll announced on social media that we are currently upgrading the Sepolia testnet. The testnet may not be available until 12:00 UTC on June 17. We will notify you of the latest situation after the upgrade is completed.

Game Hotspot

1. Blockchain game Lumiterra announced that it will close its native trading market on June 28

Golden Finance reported that the blockchain game Lumiterra announced on the X platform that the team will close the native trading market in 12 days, that is, at 15:00 on June 28, 2024. After the closure, the native trading market will no longer be available.

Disclaimer: As a blockchain information platform, Golden Finance publishes articles for information reference only and is not intended as actual investment advice. Please establish a correct investment philosophy and be sure to raise your risk awareness.