Is the threshold for novices in the cryptocurrency circle high?

The crypto circle is a truth that only those who really make a lot of money can understand

1. This circle is attractive, and even if you go bankrupt, you still want to turn over all day long

Now new coins are cut as soon as they come, don’t be fooled into rushing

For novices, regular investment on the decline is the best choice for playing coins

But don’t be too greedy, holding tokens that have increased by 5 times to exchange for big cakes to preserve value

2. After entering the cryptocurrency circle, politics, policies, and wars must all be analyzed

At the same time, many dealers will also use the influence of so-called celebrities to distribute

If you take over at a high position, you may always be on the top of the mountain and can’t get out of the trap in the next bull market

It’s really too difficult to speculate in coins, and all news is two-sided

Buying coins yourself is one-sided

When there is no market, you need to provide liquidity

When there is a market, you will be cut You have no chance when I give you an opportunity

3. I have sold all my electric cars for food delivery, what are you worried about

Currently, you can be trapped for up to three months, and missing out means missing out on the entire cycle

Don't panic if you are holding spot goods, the increase is all fake

As long as you don't sell, you won't be cut

4. There is potential for value and good capital investment

There is an excellent R&D team behind it, and it will rise quickly in the future

Excellent currency, step by step to move up