I really admire Brother Sun. He has his own exchange, so why does he have to go to Binance to crash the market? Isn't this a bit embarrassing? Depositing so much ethfi received from airdrops into Binance, is this to clear the warehouse and dump the market? Are there any brave people who are now ambushing short orders on Binance and waiting for Brother Sun to carry the sedan chair? Click on the rectangular perpetual contract trend chart below to directly trade ethfi contracts.

Justin Sun applied for 3.42 million ETHFI airdrops again and deposited them into Binance

On June 17, according to the monitoring of on-chain data analyst @ai_9684xtpa, Justin Sun applied for 3.42 million ETHFI airdrops again after three months, and then recharged all 3.45 million tokens in his wallet into Binance, worth about 12.25 million US dollars. So far, all ETHFI that has been linearly unlocked for three months has been received and transferred to the trading platform.


In addition, I will teach you another trick:

Click on the yellow currency symbol in the post (for example, $BNB ) to buy and sell spot goods, and click on the rectangular currency price trend chart to trade contracts. It is very convenient.