#STRK $STRK STRK Today's Market Analysis

I. Market Trend

1/2/4-hour level trend: STRK shows a short market at the 1-hour, 2-hour and 4-hour levels, that is, the market is in a downward trend.

II. Key price and signal

Yellow signal: Once the yellow signal appears, it may indicate the arrival of a rebound trend.

Long-short watershed:

Position: Today, the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level needs special attention, which is located near 0.9177.

Significance: If the price can effectively hold this price, it may slow down the downward trend or trigger a rebound; if the price falls below this price, it may further aggravate the decline.

Downward support level:

Position: Located at 0.8460.

Importance: This position is the key support point of the market. If the price falls below this level, it may accelerate the decline and seek a lower support level. However, once the price is supported near this level and rebounds, it may trigger a market reversal.

Upward pressure level:

Primary pressure level: 0.9344.

Subsequent pressure level: If the price can successfully break through 0.9344, it may further challenge the two higher pressure levels of 0.9568 and 0.9759.

3. Trading strategies and suggestions

Watch the short-term: Investors should pay close attention to market fluctuations, especially the trend near the long-short watershed and key support levels.

Risk control: In trading, be sure to set a reasonable stop loss to control risks.

Fund allocation: Allocate funds reasonably according to your own financial situation and risk tolerance to avoid over-trading.

4. Summary

STRK is currently in the short market, but the appearance of the yellow signal may indicate a rebound trend. Investors should pay close attention to market fluctuations, especially changes in key prices. Be cautious and rational in trading, formulate reasonable trading strategies, and strictly control risks.

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