@Everyone  6.17 BTC/ETH Monday Trend Analysis and Operation Suggestions

Current Bitcoin Price 66200 Ethereum 3565 In general, the current trend is still running within the prediction. The blogger has told you before that Bitcoin is about to test the second short-term test, and our strategy remains unchanged. Then the weekly line of Bitcoin has begun to test as expected. The weekly line is consolidating here, and the monthly line is relatively likely to close the cross star, so our operation will revolve around this! At present, the weekly line of small coins has basically touched a dense trading range in front. Even if there is a big trend here, it will take time, so the shock will continue, because the Federal Reserve will not cut interest rates in the short term, so the overall trend is short-term, or it will be mainly shock bands! The Bitcoin daily line can cross the 0 axis here to basically confirm the trend. At present, the performance here is just a lure! The trend after crossing the 0 axis is what we need to focus on, whether it is consolidating, bottoming out, etc.! Bitcoin's short-term pressure level is 67300 68500, and its support level is 65700 64500

Then for Ethereum, the current market trend is exactly what I said yesterday, it will only last for one or two days, it's a scam, and it will be washed repeatedly! Ethereum's short-term support level is 3526 3456, and its pressure level is 3610 3680#美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #ZKsync空投争议 #BTC走势预测