[2024.6.17 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Sorry, my friends, I drank too much last night for Father's Day, so I'm a little late for today's analysis. I still continue with my previous view. The first half of the bull market is over. Before the Fed confirms the interest rate cut, the monthly level sideways zone has a wide range of shocks and washes the market. The cottage market is just wearing away the faith of leeks and forcing everyone to cut their losses and leave.

Others' fear is when we are greedy. Every time there is a big drop, the big cake and ether finally go up. Recently, the daily line has been falling, and large institutions are constantly buying and buying. It is recommended that everyone hold the value coins in their hands and enter the market in batches when they fall!

Bitcoin's weekly line has been trading sideways on the bulls side. Pay attention to the 6.56 position this week. If it falls below, the weekly line will start to pull back. The support level below is around 65000-64050-61100.

Ether has the expected positive support of the ETF passing at the beginning of next month, and its performance is stronger than Bitcoin. If Ethereum is plugged, the spot will be loaded in batches. Pay attention to the support level around 3495-3365-3265 this week. If it falls below 3365, the weekly line will start to pull back!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC yesterday's deduction clearly stated that if you want to go up, you must break through 66450 to rise. After standing up last night, it fell this morning. Now the 4-hour level has started to pull back!

Today, pay attention to the position of 66350. Only when the 4-hour closing line stands above this position, will the big cake start to strengthen. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 66950-67777-68350

If the 4-hour closing line does not stand above 66350 today, the small-level rebound will be weak, and the market will most likely go down. Pay attention to the lower support level near 66000-65550-65060! #BTC走势预测

$ETH is still as strong as ever. Yesterday's deduction clearly stated that as long as the small-level correction does not fall below 3515, it will continue to rise. The target position is 3640. The highest touched 3653 in the early morning. Now the 4-hour level has begun to correct.

Today, pay attention to the position of 3575 for Ethereum. Only when the 4-hour closing line stands above this position, Ethereum will start to strengthen. Pay attention to the upper target/pressure level near 3610-3656-3688. If the 4-hour closing line does not stand above 3575 today, the small-level rebound will be weak, and the market will most likely go down. Pay attention to the lower support level near 3540-3515-3480!#ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥