🎉Good news! According to Dune data, the number of Puffer mainnet validators is close to 1,000, currently at 998! 😮This is an exciting milestone, marking the health and stability of the Puffer network. 🚀

The growth of this number undoubtedly proves the charm and strength of the Puffer network. 👍Its strong development momentum has attracted a large number of validators to join, which is also a recognition of the Puffer network technology. 🎯

However, we cannot ignore that Bitcoin is still our first choice. 😎After all, Bitcoin's stability and security are unmatched by other cryptocurrencies. 💪

In general, the development momentum of the Puffer network is exciting, but Bitcoin is still our best choice. Let us look forward to the further development of the Puffer network, and also look forward to Bitcoin continuing to maintain its leading position! 🎉🎉