These days, I have been thinking about why crypto is still dominated by memes.

The core is that it is difficult to make secondary investments in the traditional sense in Crypto because of insufficient information disclosure.

When speculating in memes, your opponents are mostly retail investors who speculate in cryptocurrencies like you, with a little bit of insider trading and so-called "bankers" at most.

When speculating in the so-called VC coins issued by the project party, your opponents are not only the people mentioned above. There are also the project party itself and the VC of the project. They have an overwhelming advantage in information compared to retail investors.

You come in with a short-term mentality and cannot beat the institutions that know the inside information a few weeks in advance.

You come in with a long-term value investment mentality, but you cannot beat the project party that "keeps doing things". You never know whether the core demand of the project party is to do a good project or to be thankful that the coin can be sold at 30% of the market price.

How many people who come in with a value investment mentality still have to follow emotions and trends to bet on the quick money of fomo in the end.

There is nothing worth your emotional investment except BTC. The truth is that you are strong in gambling and ruthless in pulling out your dick

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