If you want to buy coins, buy the best ones. If you can't afford one bitcoin, I'll ask you to buy 0.1. If bitcoin goes bankrupt, what will happen to other coins? Buying altcoins is gambling. Although wealth is sought in danger, some gambling goes against common sense. I will habitually avoid it. Except for Bitcoin, no other coin is worth your all-in.

Nine out of ten people lose money, but which market is not like this? The stock market is like this, the bond market is like this... In any investment, only a very small number of people make money while the vast majority lose money. For the majority of people who lose money, there is a kind name in the world: leeks.

Cryptocurrency trading is a good and high-quality investment channel for young people today. It is easy to make money here, and it is also easier to lose money. If you think about it, if the investment market is that most people make money and a few people lose money, then where does the money come from? The investment market like the cryptocurrency circle does not create wealth, it is a wealth transfer game.

Everyone wants to make money from other people's pockets. If everyone makes money and no one loses money, this game cannot be played. So it is more reasonable for most people to lose money and a few to make money as it is now. We are leeks, and our important task is to get rid of the identity of leeks. Like a shareholder, don't speculate, but hoard.

In fact, it is very simple to get rid of the fate of being a loser in any investment market, that is to embrace value, accompany for a long time, and exchange time for space. It is very simple, but few people can do it. This is human nature. The greed, fear, and restlessness in human nature have been deeply engraved in the genes. Normal people cannot do it, and they become losers in the ups and downs of the market.

Therefore, if you are a normal person, it is normal to lose money. Only a few people can really do it: I will buy in the bear market and store it, sell in the bull market, and then ambush and wait for the next round of bull and bear markets, and make the most money with the least operation.

Do you think you can get rich quickly by joining us? Too naive. The only role of retail investors is to be the receiver. The cryptocurrency world is a world where even Sun Wukong has to lose 1 million yuan before leaving.

What is the cryptocurrency world?

Ideal version: Promote decentralization, realize Web3, and defend personal sovereignty.

Realistic version: Turn the money of stupid and poor people into the money of KOLs and group leaders, turn the money of new investors into the money of old investors, turn the money of old investors into the money of bankers, turn the money of bankers into the money of project owners, turn the money of project owners into the money of VC, Sun Ge and SBF, and finally into XX’s money. As long as you have the mentality of speculating in cryptocurrencies, you can only take over at any time.

Many people always want to buy at the bottom and wait for the price to drop before entering the market. This is definitely the simplest idea in the currency circle. No one can predict the market, and no one can buy at the bottom, not even the great gods or big guys.

The advantage of this strategy is that you first bring in a part of the funds and then slowly withdraw the remaining funds. If you don't buy when the price goes up, but buy when the price goes down, you can lower the average price effectively.

Up to now, Bitcoin has not trapped anyone at the $70,000 level.

The more you get involved in the cryptocurrency circle, the faster you will die. It is enough to choose Bitcoin and take good care of it for your whole life. The increase in its value every year or every four years will be enough to cover all your expenses.

I like spot trading, I want to roll my money together, and I want to buy spot trading in the bull market.
Click on the avatar, follow me, share for free, the circle is waiting for you!
In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly going it alone will never bring opportunities#Notcion $CVX