The next half month is not suitable for speculating in cryptocurrencies. In addition to zks, L0 will also come to suck blood. These two big airs, don't buy the cottage next time, avoid risks.

It is impossible for off-market funds to buy these new coins or some old cottages, such as BlackRock Fidelity and other top institutions, which will only participate in the transfusion of BTC and ETH through ETFs, or tokens that may be listed on ETFs, and will not participate in these garbage airs.

The correct operation of retail investors is: follow BlackRock to buy BTC and ETH, smash these new coins if there is an airdrop, and don't touch any if there is no airdrop.

(Not everyone can make money by doing cottages, basically most of them lose money, don't learn from me, it's not meaningful for reference)