BTC has not been as strong as ETH in the past two days. It is still possible to go down on the daily chart. We will continue to pay attention to 65000-64500. We can buy low near this area before it falls below.

ETH also said last week that it would build a pyramid position in the range of 3450-3200. This morning, it reached a high of 3650. We can reduce our positions appropriately because the pressure is at 3650-3700. It is expected that this pressure will not be broken so quickly, so there is no need to go for the short-term pattern!

As for the copycat, it did not strengthen over the weekend because of the strength of Ethereum. Instead, it had a bit of a negative decline. The difficulty of operation continued to increase. As for tru and tnsr mentioned on Saturday, tru still fell below the stop loss of 0.17. We will continue to hold tnsr before it falls below 0.74! #BTC