Is the BTC short-selling index announced by Lao Deng at the weekend very accurate? Are there any fans who follow Lao Deng to ambush?

Let's take a look at the one-hour K-line of $BTC today. His short-selling trend is actually very beautiful, forming four negative lines, and there is no trend of turning back, so Lao Deng's short order should be able to eat below 66,000. 65,000 is Lao Deng's ideal stop-profit position. Follow the order to stop half of the profit at 66,000, so that the profit can be secured, and the remaining half can be used to protect the principal and loss, and then continue to eat the profit for a few days. Lao Deng always tells fans to stop half of the profit, which makes sense. After all, the current Zhuang is too powerful. Even if you see the trend, you will hit your stop loss first and then follow your strategy. Therefore, Lao Deng now uses this half-profit strategy to ensure that the profit is in the bag and expand the results. So remember to make a half-profit operation and keep up with the principal and loss!

#热门话题 #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路