Pendle protocol money-making methods you don't know about, the last one earns more than the contract💰🚀

1. Lock vePENDLE🔒

Difficulty: ★⭐

Suitable for large capital users💼💸

Income sources:

YT interest income commission (3%)💲

Voting pool transaction fees (80%)💰

External bribes obtained by pool voting🗳️💵

LP deposit APR multiplier (up to 2.5 times)📈


The income is usually around 5%, obtained in $ETH🤑

Single currency strategy, no impermanent loss🔒

How to operate:

Lock vePENDLE on the Pendle official website, check the yield and lock time🕒🔒.

2. Provide liquidity (LP)💧

Difficulty: ★★⭐

Income source:

Mining reward $PENDLE💎

Interest on underlying assets📈

Additional LP rewards, such as $mpendle, etc. (depending on the underlying pool)🎁


Mining rewards⛏️

No impermanent loss if held to maturity🕰️

How to operate:

Deposit assets such as GLP, gDAI, stETH into Pendle's LP pool and enter through the Zap function⚡💰.

3. Buy principal tokens (PT)💵

Difficulty: ★⭐

Income source:

Fixed interest income💲


Low risk🛡️

Fixed income, suitable for long-term investors📈

How to operate:

Buy discounted PT on Pendle and hold it until maturity to redeem the underlying native assets at 1:1💵🕰️.

4. Buy and hold interest tokens (YT)📈

Difficulty: ★★★★⭐

Income source:

Floating interest income of underlying assets📉📈

Point income of some lrt assets🪙


High risk⚠️, YT value returns to zero on the expiration date⏳0️⃣

High leverage effect, high capital efficiency🚀

How to operate:

Buy YT on Pendle and hold it to earn interest income💰.

5. Short-term speculation of YT📊

Difficulty: ★★★★★⭐

Income source:

Profit through the difference between buying high and selling low📈💰📉


High risk⚠️, need to have a strong judgment on the market trend🧠

How to operate:

Take advantage of YT price fluctuations and earn income through short-term operations📊📈.

Don't just hold tokens. Some people spend their time working 24 hours a day to make money, while others spend their time sleeping in!Make your pendle move!