Breaking News: $HIGH Coin Update

*Scam Alert: Korean Traders Behind Sudden Decline*

The team behind $HIGH Coin has issued an official statement revealing that a sophisticated scam by Korean traders caused the coin's drastic decline. These traders held 60-70% of the coin's stock, which they sold off, leading to a 70% drop in value.

*Warning: Potential Further Decline*

Korean investors still hold 20-30% of $HIGH Coin's stock, and if they sell their remaining holdings, the coin's price could plummet further, potentially dropping to 1.2 to 1.5 times its current value.

*Investor Alert: Be Cautious and Prepared*

This announcement sheds light on the unexpected downturn in HIGH coin's fortunes and serves as a warning to investors to be cautious and prepared for potential market fluctuations.

Stay informed and stay safe, traders!