The weekend market "trampoline" is over, and the door to the US stock market is open on Monday! Good time to buy the bottom, are you ready? 🚀

During the weekend, the cryptocurrency market was like playing on a "trampoline", up and down, making people's heart beat faster! 🎢 But the good news is that after these two days of "jumping", the market seems to have found a relatively stable "landing point" - 3400 points!

If the market really falls back to this point on Monday, investors, don't hesitate, the opportunity to buy the bottom is here! Especially Bitcoin, the current price is about 66,000 US dollars, which is a relatively low "boarding price"! If you want to be more secure, you can slowly "board" in the range of 65,500-66,000 US dollars.

There is also a little treasure called pepe. Although it experienced a big drop before, it quickly gained a foothold and is now firmly standing at the price of 0.0113. If it can continue to maintain this momentum, it is very likely to continue to rise next! However, for prudent investors, don't rush to chase highs now, observe patiently, and wait for the best time.

I personally am very optimistic about pepe! Why? First of all, it is the "leader" in the Ethereum ecosystem. With the popularity of Ethereum, pepe will definitely receive more attention; secondly, judging from the recent trend, meme coins are in the limelight, and pepe, as one of the best, has a promising future!

So, investors, the door to the US stock market is open on Monday. Are you ready to meet new challenges and opportunities? 🚀 Don't miss this good opportunity to buy at the bottom! Come on! 💪#币安合约锦标赛 #TopCoinsJune2024 #非农就业人数高于预期 #币安用户数突破2亿